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enzyme inhibitors造句

"enzyme inhibitors"是什么意思  
  • The application of enzyme inhibitors
  • The application of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor administration in renal transplant recipients
  • The possible contamination of other organelle membranes was determined by using markers of enzyme inhibitors in different organelle membranes such as vanadate , azide , molybdate and nos "
  • On the other hand , angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors may be more suitable in a yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity pattern as well as combined liver and kidney yin deficiency pattern
  • So far , six kinds of medicines are authorised to be applied to the treatment of hypertension by the world health organization ( who ) , including diuretics , - receptor blocking agent , - receptor blocking agent , angiotensin receptor antagon , calcium channal blocking agent and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors ( aceis )
    目前,世界卫生组织( who )批准用于治疗高血压病的一线药物主要有利尿剂、受体阻断剂、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂( acei ) 、钙通道阻滞剂( caa ) 、受体阻断剂、血管紧张素( ang )受体拮抗剂等六大类。
  • Research interests : organic synthesis , including synthetic methodology , divergent oriented organic synthesis , asymmetric synthesis , asymmetric synthesis of small molecules with biological significance ( alkaloids , amino acids , pheromones , nucleosides analogues , enzyme inhibitors , receptor agonists and antagonists , bioactive heterocycles etc ) and chiral drugs
  • It's difficult to see enzyme inhibitors in a sentence. 用enzyme inhibitors造句挺难的
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